Like the principle of a CNC lathe, FIXED-TURNING ® is the machining of valve seats and/or any revolution shape by interpolation of axes.
Aside from the fact that it is the cutting tool that is spinning and not the part being machined itself, the machine spindle and machining head allow to very simply machine the most difficult and most complex shapes regardless of the quality of the valve seat material. While rotating, the cutting tool moves on its x and z axes to describe the profile to machine. The machining is performed in one direction and the number of passes is automatically defined by the program itself. The travel of the cutting tool is optimized according to the actual shape of the raw valve seat. A standard triangular cutter moves according to the axis of the carriage and the axis of displacement of the spindle. The whole rotates around the C-axis.
A powerful computer permanently calculates the optimal trajectory of the tool so that the cutting efforts are regular and reduced to a minimum. Every single shaving calculated from a fraction of a second to a fraction of a second is produced in such way that no fluctuation of the cutting efforts disrupts the balance and the flexibility of the spindle.
Thanks to FIXED-TURNING ®, perfect valve seat machining and a perfect seal between the valve seat and its valve are attained each and every time, the first time, without lapping.
Modern controls, latest technology, efficient, simple, extremely user friendly, relieves the operator of repetitive gestures, reduces fatigue and frees up attention for essential operations.
The interaction with the machine is user friendly and simple. The operator only needs to enter familiar dimensions such as the diameter of the valve, select a profile and the machine will instantaneously calculate everything else, including all roughing and finishing machining passes.
Beyond precision, beyond mere user friendliness and added productivity, FIXED-TURNING® is the equivalent of thousands of custom form tools, all permanently packaged in one simple and affordable machine.

Long Live Engine Rebuilding.
Control Panel fitted with push-buttons and protected by interchangeable lexan, multifunctional electronic wheel. Precision. Reliability.
The spindle is built-in the machine head moving on the x,y axis owing to an air cushion. Automatic centering with programmable temporization. Automatic re-centering of the spindle with pneumatic jacks.
FIXED-TURNING® numerically controlled axes driven by satellite roller screws and servo-motors of the latest generation. A precision of the tool travelling by Interpolation is measured in thousands of mm.
Machine head, pressurized by constant air flow for protection of all the precision mechanical components against metallic operating dusts.
15" fanless industrial PC of the latest generation, IP65, 64 bit operating system, Windows 11, with built-in flat touch screen. A user friendly and intuitive dialogue between the machine and the operator.
Unlimited memory capapacity.
NEWEN FIXED-TURNING machining head featuring patented friction free, pinion free and maintenance free kinematics, capable of machining with the highest degree of precision, year after year. Pilot centered and held by an original and efficient hydraulic crush sleeve system.
Z-axis (250mm/9.84") mounted on linear ways authorizing any cylinder head position while guarantying systematic balancing of the spindle. Increased work capacity and increased machining precision. A NEWEN exclus