- оси с числовым управлением, приводимые в движение сателлитными ролико-винтовыми винтами и серводвигателями последнего поколения. Точность перемещения инструмента путем интерполяции измеряется тысячными долями мм.
- Ось Z (250 мм / 9,84 дюйма), установленная на линейных направляющих, допускает любое положение головки блока цилиндров, гарантируя при этом систематическую балансировку шпинделя. Повышенная производительность и повышенная точность обработки. Эксклюзив от NEWEN®.
- Обрабатывающая головка NEWEN FIXED-TURNING® с запатентованной кинематикой, не требующей трения, шестерни и обслуживания, способна обрабатывать с высочайшей степенью точности год за годом. Пилот центрируется и удерживается с помощью оригинальной и особенно эффективной системы давящей втулки.
- The spindle is built into in the machine head moving on the x,y axis owing to an air cushion. Automatic centering with programmable temporization. Automatic re-centering of the spindle with pneumatic
- Machining spindle mounted on special high precision bearing, greased for life. Powerful transmission via machined high precision spiral-beval pinion set.
- Machine parallels mounted on linear ways, greased for life, entirely protected. Simple, fast and efficient mechanical lock to ensure effortless positioning of any cylinder head.
- Electronic and electric components interconnected with quick plugs. Electronics entirely protected with stand alone suspended shock-proof cabinet. Electronics conceived and produced by NEWEN ®.
- Solid honeycomb-design machine upper ways confers stability, longevity and precision to the machine.
- SGC200M , palletizable™, 360° double-angle manual rollover clamping fixture. Allows quick positioning of most cylinder heads regardless of the valve guide angles. Also allows to simply raise cylinder heads to any desired level and to roll them over for various jobs. This patented system is quick, universal, very rigid, user friendly and does not put any stress on cylinder heads owing to its independent jaws and spherical collet clamping system.
- Built-in low-voltage multipoint lightning (LEDs) - cold light. The work area is paricularly well lit, the control of the finished work is improved and, consequently, the operator’s fatigue is reduced.
- 15’’ Fanless Industrial PC of the latest generation, IP65, with built-in flat touch-screen. A user-friendly and intuitive dialogue between the machine and the operator. Unlimited memory capacity.
- Control panel fitted with push-buttons, protected by an interchangeable lexan, and a multifunctional electronic wheel. Precision. Reliability
- Stress relieved welded frame coated with industrial resin, resistant to any chemical agent (High frequency stabilization during welding).